Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reading Summary 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading Summary 5 - Essay Example Most organizations, do not involve the shareholders and other directors in the policy making process. They are only involvement in the final output. For effective optimization of distribution channels, all the key stake holders should be involved from the time the company is drafting its distribution strategy (Kotler & Lee, 2007). A good distribution channel, should look at all the key sections of an organization that need to be looked at and questioned. For example, if the goods delivery time is delayed, what will impact will the effect have on the overall sales revenue? This type of questions need to be asked and answered by an organization in order to optimize of distribution channels (Kotler & Lee, 2007). One of the areas, which organizations give little attention is the inventory. The way a company manages its inventory, becomes more and more important. A company needs to know where and how itââ¬â¢s going to stock all the products (Kotler & Lee,
Monday, October 28, 2019
United States and Israel Essay Example for Free
United States and Israel Essay The relationship between the United States and Israel should be realized as different and unique in its own rights since both parties are distinct in their own way, gaining political, economic, and cultural independences that influenced and continuous to influence so many others. It can be said that for such a small country, Israel has acquired importance far beyond its size, not only politically but socially and culturally. It is apt to say that, today the United States is the lone superpower, carrying vast military might, capable leaders wielding economic and cultural strengths enabling vast influences of unparalleled scope. Owing to the distinctness of both parties, it will be astonishing to note if a relationship forged between this two did not possess certain distinctness as well. A variety of events both done and only as a result of circumstances, envelope this US-Israel relationship. Both carrying slack/criticism and praise for forging such a strong tie that transcends all political, moral/ethical, social and cultural bonds. This paper attempts to investigate the relationship between the two countries and how it was developed and sustained all throughout the years. And the answer the pressing question of its survival in the recent changing strata of economy, cultural and political powers and perspectives. Roots: The US-Israel relationship began in 1948 when President Truman of the United States readily acknowledges the sovereignty of the Jewish state, but despite this it is evident that the US did not truly acknowledge Israel by adapting a neutrality act that prevented sale or transfer of military weapons to Israel (Cristol, 2002). It can also be realized that Israel formed a closer relationship with France rather than America (Leiber, 1998). But despite these primary dimensions the progression of the American-Israeli connection was far from steady progressions. It can be said that the relationship at first was neutral at most and aid to Israel was slow, whether it be economic or military assistance. This relationship was slow in coming, it took many steps before an actual relationship was formed. A budding military relationship started when President Johnston started selling military weapons to Israel around 1965-66. Reinforced by Israel success with its military efforts against other nations, particularly that of the Soviets, American analysts started to realize that Israel has become a major regional power capable of aiding them in their Mediterranean and Middle East efforts. Israelââ¬â¢s defeat of the Soviets and its subsequent aid to the US in the form of information regarding Soviet weaponry and tactics were significant in the US military efforts in Southeast Asia and during the Cold War. The intensifying war, the Cold War to be precise, also intensified US-Israel relationship, as the US looked to Israel to be its stable, reliable ally in the region and as Israel responded as such, the relationship strengthened. Israel in turn was recognized as a ââ¬Å"strategic assetâ⬠rather than simply being an ally (Steinberg, 1998). Israel was very much in the thick of the Iran arms sales as well as becoming the channel to funnel US arms to Central America. The US and Israel share common goals, passions and advocacies, the special relationship between Israel and the United States has come to rely on deep-seated factors, Sharing a commonality that enabled them to work together includes. Democracy. Both Israel and the United States hold democracy and liberty with the highest consideration. Note the fact that Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East. Immigration. Not unlike the United States, Israelââ¬â¢s population is that of immigrants. Welcoming the embracers of Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement. While, the United States, the land of greener pastures, immigrants consists mostly of those wanting to work in the US, seeking higher pay and better work environment. Economy. Both Israel and US economies value free market. Each committing to competitiveness, international trade liberalization support and multilateral trading. Education. It can be noted that both countries exhibit high regard for good education for its citizens. Both nations firm believers of education as an integral part in shaping a nations future thru proper education of its young. A mutual support system. Israel was also one of the first to support the US in its efforts to enhance security by cooperating with the US Department of Homeland Security for development of initiatives to enhance such, also supporting the US in many of its endeavors with the United Nations as the US continues to bring aid and assistance to its Israeli counterpart. This framework shows many areas of partnership that enabled US-Israel relations to grow in proportion and depth. But like any other relationship, this forged relationship did not come without problems and strains. Relationship strains came in the form of American pressure on Israel to withdraw its forces in the Sinai Peninsula. Israelââ¬â¢s role in the Suez operations in 1956. The AWACS being sold to Saudi Arabia, the Lebanese Massacre of Palestinians in 1982 and the intifada. All bearing strain on the relations between US and Israel. It can be surmised that sometimes differences in opinions and goals can sometimes bring in strain to a steady friendship but it is duly noted too that the bond of this relationship is very deep and rooted, it will not be easily deferred and it remains to be so. FOREIGN POLICY It can be surmised that these two nation forge a cooperation that is surprisingly balanced, if you weigh it against a range of international issues. The Unites States continues to be Israelââ¬â¢s power patron, with the US backing Israel financially and politically even to the point of strain with other allies. It can be seen that Israel shows its allegiance to the US by voting with the Americans in United Nations General Assembly votes 95% of the time, even in consideration of other countries recognized as close to very close American allies. It will be noted that through the years, Israel has supported the US, even to the extent that they are the only ones behind the US. This support can be deemed blind and maybe one of the reasons for the US continued alliance with this country. Continuing U. S. Support ââ¬â strategy wise There may be a strategic and logical reason for US continuing support of Israel, it is noted as follows: ? Israel has effectively stopped victories by radical nationalist movements in not only Lebanon and Jordan, but in Palestine as well. ? Syria, a known ally of the Soviet Union for many years, has been kept in check by Israel. ? Predominant air force in their region is Israelââ¬â¢s Air Force ? It can be realized that the many and frequent wars engaged by Israel provided an actual testing ground for US weapons, and usually against its major counterpart the Soviet Union. ? That in order to support unpopular movements and regimes, Israel has become an American channel in providing military assistance, weapon sales to Islamic Republic of Iran, military junta of Guatemala, the Nicaraguan Contras, and the likes. ? Not only once did the Israeli intelligence assist US military operations in covert and intelligence gathering operations. ? Israelââ¬â¢s intelligent military has developed missles and weapons capable of annihilating the Soviet Union and not only once did it assist the US military in the research and development of new weapons, jet fighters and defense systems more capable of protecting the state. Conclusion It may not be a match made in heaven, but mutually working for each other and benefitting from it, it may well be as close as it can get. Many believes that the US support for Israel range from insane to absurd to illogical and even outright dumb. The special relationship forged by US and Israel is a mixture of causative factors that enabled this relationship to flourish including historical memory, regional security and stability considerations, the US national interest, religion and communal ties. It can also be partly due to personal rapport and friendships built by heads of the states. Although it is understandable that not many understand this ties, especially when they see the very people, Americans are supporting, killing and salvaging a great many people they believe to be enemies. They tend to think of it as utter hypocrisy. But it has to be believed that many great American presidents supported and aided Israel and one cannot surmise their actual reasons behind it, but it can be surmised that ultimately US Officials think of the nations interests and being privy to private/confidential information may have led them to continue their support for Israel despite how it is seen by the public for in the end, itââ¬â¢s still the nations general welfare that they are after. Works Cited Cristol, J (2002) When did the US and Israel become allies. History News Network. Online retrieved 21 Feb 2008 from http://hnn. us/articles/751. html Leiber, R. (1998) U. S. -Israel relations since 1948. Meria Journal 2(3): 11-20 Steinberg, G. (1998) Israel and the United States: can the special relationship survive the new strategic environment? Meria journal 2(4): 61-81
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Comparison Of Nuclear Power And Fossil Fuels Environmental Sciences Essay
Comparison Of Nuclear Power And Fossil Fuels Environmental Sciences Essay In todays world there are various ways of producing energy. In the past most of the energy came from fossil fuels; fossil fuels were always used to produce energy because they were cheap and available in vast amounts. Nowadays, because of the limited amount of fossil fuels around the world and the high prices people have started to utilize other ways of producing energy. Nuclear power is one of the many resources now being used in order to keep the use of fossil fuels down. In this paper I will discuss fossil fuels, nuclear power and the advantages and disadvantages of both. What are fossil fuels? Coal, gas, and oil are the three main fossil fuels. They have been formed from the organic remains of prehistoric plants and animals more than 300 million years ago. According to Energy and the Environment, fuel refers to anything that can be burned as a source of energy; therefore, fossil fuels are the remains of animals and plants that have formed into materials that can be burned. The type of fossil fuel created depends on the kind of plants or animals and the amount of heat and pressure. The energy stored in fossil fuels originally came from the sun. When we burn fossil fuels, we release that stored energy. All the across world fossil fuels are the most widely used type of energy; fossil fuels have been used to generate power for almost everything that one uses. Among all of the fossil fuels, natural gas and oil are more commonly used because they are rather easy to transport, they have low emissions, and are easy to handle. It has been said that, except fo r coal, the supply of the other fossil fuels are sure to be depleted in a few decades. As of right now, according to Wikipedia- Fossil fuels supply close to 86% of the worlds energy. This is a large percentage of energy to be supplied by just fossil fuels. As I have already stated, we are currently in an energy crisis and fossil fuels are the lifeblood of our society and for many others around the world. Our supply is slowly coming to an end, which is why we have become more than willing to go to war for it and make friends with those whom we really hate. Lately the former Soviet Union and many of the countries in the Middle East are in our good favor strictly because of the oil reserves that they have. Our foreign aid has a legitimate purpose. Even though we have befriended our enemies, fossil fuels will run out and the use of them will soon take the lives of many people. These are important reasons to find other means of getting the energy we need to continue our society as we know it. So what options do we have? Alternative forms of energy are currently under development even though most of them are only in their initial stages. With more help from the government and public support, we may be able to speed up the development of these technologies and help free ourselves from the mast amount of usage of fossil fuels. This is definitely a serious problem, and as inhabitants of the world we must all come together and try to resolve the problem at hand. Even though some scientist put a time span on how much longer they think that fossil fuels are going to last, no one really knows. It will all depend on how well we manage our energy demands along with how well we can develop and use renewable energy sources. Nuclear power is energy which is produced with the use of a controlled nuclear reaction. Many nations use nuclear power plants to generate electricity for both civilian and military use, and some nations also utilize nuclear power to run parts of their naval fleets, especially submarines. Some people favor an expansion of nuclear power plants because this form of energy is considered cleaner than fossil fuels such as coal. Nuclear power does indeed come with a number of that must be addressed, most importantly being the safe disposal of radioactive waste products. According to Energy and the Environment, The entire physical world is made of atoms; the word atom is derived from the Greek word atomos which means invisible. Atoms, the smallest component of any element, contains enormous energy. When it is split a process called fission, this energy is released in the forms of tremendous heat and light. It is this energy that was released on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, by two separate atom bombs in 1945 that led to the conclusion of World War II. This horrific scene created by those two bombs led the international community to condemn any further use of atomic weapons. Still, engineers, governments and scientists realized that if the atoms energy could be controlled and harnessed, it would revolutionize the worlds energy markets and provide significant electricity reserves to help meet the worlds energy demands. It was even envisioned that it could one day replace the need for fossil fuels. As a result, the first usable electricity from nuclear fission was produced at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory in 1951. Nuclear energy requires sources of radioactive elements found naturally in our environment and manmade with which to create the nuclear fission process that splits the atoms. Uranium is the most common and most used of these elements. The only other available sources that are used for nuclear energy is Plutonium and Thorium. Plutonium is not naturally occurring. Thus, the Plutonium used in nuclear reactors is man-made, coming from a nuclear reactor. According to the Ecology Global Network, Thorium, though not yet a mainstream nuclear energy supply source, is being heavily studied and applied as a safer, cleaner alternative to Uranium. Still, Uranium is king as the premiere provider of nuclear energy. Perhaps the greatest challenge facing nuclear energy production after any potential for nuclear disasters similar to the 1986 Chernobyl event is the disposal of the highly radioactive wastes. Because it can take up to 10,000 years for these materials to fully break down into harmless elements the challenge is to store them safely for at least that length of time. Even though it is possible, where and how are still major issues. Exploitable Uranium supplies still pose some short-term challenges. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the worlds economically exploitable Uranium reserves are likely to last between 35 and 63 years, depending on whether demand is such as to justify the higher cost of mining less easily exploitable reserves. Still, in consideration of the power that can be generated by Uranium and the burgeoning global energy demands, many governments are placing more emphasis on nuclear energy. The largest user of nuclear energy is the United States, followed by France, Japan, Germany and the Russian Federation. In the US alone, the nations 103 nuclear power plants each generate an average of around 20 tons of radioactive spent fuel a year. Spent fuel now sits in cooling pools and temporary storage areas waiting for somebody to figure out what to do with it. When you begin to compare fossil fuels to nuclear energy you are able to see that there are many advantages and disadvantages of both. Just because we have used fossil fuels for most of the worlds energy doesnt mean that we should continue to use what supply of it we have left. Even though nuclear energy is not yet as popular as the use of fossil fuels there definitely has been and will continue to be, a rise in its use. Advantage of Fossil Fuels Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels Easily distributed Probable contributor to global warming Inexpensive production Cause of acid rain Capacity to generate huge amounts of electricity in just a single location Questionable availability of some fuels Simple combustion process can directly heat or generate electricity Major increase in prices Compared to: Advantages of Nuclear power Disadvantages of Nuclear Power No Greenhouse Gases High initial cost because plant requires containment safeguards No Criteria Pollutants Waste products can be used to manufacture weapons Lowest impacts on the environment Possibility of nuclear meltdown from uncontrolled reaction Lowest cost producer of base load electricity Nuclear reactors only last for about forty to fifty years. After we look at and analyze both fossil fuels, and nuclear energy we notice that both types of energies have their pros and cons. There is no way that anyone could say that there is a major difference in the two that would lead one to believe that one is better than the other. As I have already stated, fossil fuels are definitely a great energy producer. When large amounts of fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and oil are available production can be easily done at a low cost with little or no problems. But as we know, because the availability of fossil fuels is now lessening, we have no other choice than to find alternative energy sources, thus being the case nuclear energy is a very good choice. According to the Nuclear Energy Institute Clean Air Energy, Nuclear energy is Americas largest source of clean-air, carbon-free electricity, producing no greenhouse gases or air pollutants, nuclear power plants aid compliance with the Clean Air Act of 1970, which set standards to improve the nations air quality. This statement says a lot about Nuclear Energy and is really able to show readers just how effective using nuclear energy can be. In conclusion, even though I believe that fossil fuels have served us greatly while they have been around in a plentiful supply; I think we now need to come out from the state we are in, one that relies fully on fossil fuels alone. We need to venture out and try new means of energy production; new means such as nuclear power. I believe that even though nuclear power may have some high initial costs it is well worth it. As Ross Garnaut said, A revolution in humanitys use of fossil fuel-based energy would be necessary sooner or later to sustain and to extend modern standards of living. It will be required sooner if we are to hold the risks of climate change to acceptable levels. The costs that we bear in making an early adjustment will bring forward, and reduce for future times, the costs of the inevitable eventual adjustment away from fossil fuels. Reference Page Cohen, Bernard L. The Nuclear Energy Option. Plenum, 1990. The Ecology Global Network | Ecology News and Information for Residents of Planet Earth. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. . Nuclear Energy Institute Clean-Air Energy. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. . Toossi, Reza. Energy and the Environment-Sources, technologies, and impacts. 2nd ed. Los Angeles, CA: VerVe Inc., 2008 Wikipedia. Web. 16 Nov. 2009. .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay -- Itââ¬â¢s Not Time to Pay Stud
Waking up before the sunrise is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class, then practice, which dominates the day. There are few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of a student athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. Like most students, these athletes need money, but do not have a spare moment to work. Without any source of income, athletes are put at a major disadvantage. Their full-time job is athletics, in addition to rigorous college-level courses. The possibility of becoming a professional athlete and making millions becomes very appealing. This course of action leads to student athletes making money illegally, dropping out of school, or leaving school early without a degree in an often futile attempt to play at the professional level. Waking up before the sun is a daily routine. Early morning film sessions, class then practice, which dominates the day. There are a few moments in between for food and socializing, but the life of an athlete is anything but ordinary. Sleep, eat, practice and school are all an athlete knows, and with the pressures of campus life it becomes even more difficult. No time for much of anything, let alone getting a job. However, now that student athletes are compensated, they no longer need to worry about money. They can fully focus on school and sport. They can achieve success in both areas without worrying about money. Graduation rates are higher, academic grades are higher. Later in life, players more successful in their respective professional fields because of the ma... ...ommentary: Should NCAA should get rid of Amateurism for its Athletics.â⬠Morning Edition (NPR). 07 May 2013. Points of View. Ebscohost. 05 Jan. 2015. Greenlee, Craig T. ââ¬Å"College Athletes deserve some equity.â⬠Black Issues in Higher Education. 27 Apr 2014. 62 (1). Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. Jackson, Derrick. ââ¬Å"Op-ed: Itââ¬â¢s Time to Pay Student Athlete.â⬠Interview with Lynn Nery. NPR Talk ok the Nation. 06 June 2013. Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. King, Bill. ââ¬Å"The Junkyard Blawg: Play for Pay?â⬠The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. 03 May 2012. Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015. Maisel, Ivan. ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t expect athletes to be paid anytime soon.â⬠Sporting News 10 Oct. 2014. 52 (1). Elibrary. 05 Jan. 2015.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Beauty and Brain
Beauty is not about having a beautiful skin, or body. It's about what's within. If you have a good and a pleasing personality, then you have to consider yourself beautiful from within. In behalf of being beautiful, let's Just don't forget about having a well- functioned brain. Like for example, Joining beauty pageant. People would probably say What is beauty if brain is empty' when Judges must asked you a question. So we must study hard to consider ourselves Beauty and Brain. Beauty is not about having a beautiful skin, or body.It's about what's within. If you have a good and a pleasing personality, then you have to consider yourself beautiful from within. In behalf of being beautiful, let's Just don't forget about having a well-functioned brain. Like for example, Joining beauty pageant. People would probably say What is beauty if brain is empty' when Judges must asked you a question. So we must study hard to consider ourselves Beauty and Brain. From within. In behalf of being beauti ful, let's Just don't forget about having a well- example, Joining beauty pageant.People would probably say What is beauty If brain ourselves Beauty and Brain. Beauty Is not about having a beautiful skin, or body. It's about what's within. If you have a good and a pleasing personality, then you have to consider yourself beautiful from within. In behalf of being beautiful, let's Just don't forget about having a well-functioned brain. Like for example, Joining beauty pageant. People would probably say ââ¬ËWhat Is beauty If brain Is empty' when Judges must asked you a question. So we must study hard to consider ourselves Beauty and Brain.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
101 Phrases for Teachers to Encourage a Child
101 Phrases for Teachers to Encourage a Child Teachers want students to buy into what they are offering, so establishing a meaningful rapport with all pupils is important. Most children, by nature, want to please the adults in their lives, including their teachers. They seek out praise and are overjoyed when they are recognized for their achievements. Teachers should celebrate their students successes. Educators are called molders and shapers of young minds, but they should also be master motivators offering continuous encouragement.Ã Great teachers develop an arsenal of vocabulary that allows them to encourage a child creatively and continuously throughout each day. Encouraging Words The right phrases from a teacher can make a big difference for students. But those phrases dont have to be lengthy: To grab a childs attention, it often helps to keep it short. Even a word or two followed by an exclamation point can be enough to encourage a student to keep trying or to try even harder next time. Use these simple encouraging words with students and see if produce results in terms of student effort and success: A Work!Amazing!Astonishing!Awesome!Beautiful!BINGO!Boom goes the dynamite!Bravo!Breathtaking!Brilliant!Bueno!Clever!Congratulations!Cool!En Fuego! (On Fire!)Excellent!Exceptional!Extraordinary!Fantastic!Far out!Good!Good for you!Good thinking!Grand slam!Great answer!Great discovery!Great job!Hip, Hip Hurray!Hole in one!Hot dog!How did you do that!?Hurray!I believe in you!I knew you could do it!I love how you did that!I love it!Im proud of you!Incredible!Looking good!Magnificent!Marvelous!Neat!Neat-O!Nice job!Nothing can stop you now!Now youve got it!On target!Outstanding!Perfect!Per-Fect-O!Phenomenal!Remarkable!Right on!Sensational!Slam dunk!Spectacular!Stupendous!Super!Super-duper!Super Star!Super work!Superb!Sweeeeeet!Take a bow!Terrific!Thank you!Thats amazing!Thats correct!Top notch!Touchdown!Tremendous!Unbelievable!Very good!Very impressive!Way to go!We have a winner!Well done!What a genius!What an imagination!Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!Wonderful!Wow!Wow-zers!Yeeeesss!You ca n do it! You got it!You figured it out!You just blew me away!You just hit a home run!You just made my day!You rock!Youre #1!Youre a winner!Youre on fire!Youre one of a kind!Youre out of this world!Youre precious!Youre so creative!Youre so smart!. Youre special! Youre the best!
Monday, October 21, 2019
How to Conjugate Compléter, to Complete
How to Conjugate 'Complà ©ter,' to Complete As you might suspect, the French verbà complà ©terà means to complete. Its a very useful word to add to your vocabulary. As with all verbs, when you want to say completed or completing, a conjugation is necessary. This French lesson will walk you through the process. Complà ©ter Conjugation In English, we conjugate verbs by adding an -ing or -ed ending to change from the present to the past tense. The same is done in French, though its a little more complex. Thats because there is a different infinitive ending for every subject pronoun in every tense. Complà ©terà is aà stem-changing verbà as well. This poses a special challenge in the conjugations. While its not a big deal in the pronunciation, it matters when the word is written down. In the conjugation chart, look closely and you will notice that the accented e changes along the way. This happens often in verbs ending in -à ©_er,à such asà accà ©derà (to reach). Also, for the future tense, you can use either the grave à ¨ or acute à ©. Beyond that, the conjugations are rather simple. Study the chart and pair the proper subject pronoun with the appropriate tense. For instance, I complete is je complà ©te and we will complete is nous complà ©terez or nous complà ¨terez. Subject Present Future Imperfect je complà ¨te complà ©teraicomplà ¨terai complà ©tais tu complà ¨tes complà ©terascomplà ¨teras complà ©tais il complà ¨te complà ©teracomplà ¨tera complà ©tait nous complà ©tons complà ©teronscomplà ¨terons complà ©tions vous complà ©tez complà ©terezcomplà ¨terez complà ©tiez ils complà ¨tent omplà ©terontcomplà ¨teront complà ©taient Present Participle Theà present participleà of complà ©terà is complà ©tant. This can be used as a verb, of course, but also serves as an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances. Passà © Composà © and Past Participle Theà passà © composà ©Ã is a common form of the past tense in French. Its formed by conjugating theà auxiliary verbà avoirà to match the subject, then attaching theà past participleà complà ©tà ©. To put this together, I completed is jai complà ©tà © and we completed is nous avons complà ©tà ©. Theà ai and avonsà are conjugations ofà avoir. More Simpleà Conjugations There may be times when the action of completing is uncertain. That is when you might employ either the subjunctive or conditional verb forms. In literature, you may see the passà © simple or imperfect subjunctive in use. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je complà ¨te complà ©teraiscomplà ¨terais complà ©tai complà ©tasse tu complà ¨tes complà ©teraiscomplà ¨terais complà ©tas complà ©tasses il complà ¨te complà ©teraitcomplà ¨terait complà ©ta complà ©tà ¢t nous complà ©tions complà ©terionscomplà ¨terions complà ©tà ¢mes complà ©tassions vous complà ©tiez complà ©teriezcomplà ¨teriez complà ©tà ¢tes complà ©tassiez ils complà ¨tent complà ©teraientcomplà ¨teraient complà ©tà ¨rent complà ©tassent To useà complà ©terà in an exclamation, use the imperative form. When doing this, you can skip the subject pronoun, so rather than tu complà ©te, you can simply say complà ©te. Imperative (tu) complà ¨te (nous) complà ©tons (vous) complà ©tez
Sunday, October 20, 2019
neurofibromatosis essays
neurofibromatosis essays Neurofibromatosis 1 and 2 are both autosomal dominant genetic disorders, meaning that one only needs to be born with one abnormal gene to have the condition, and are also both transmitted the same way. The gene responsible for Neurofibromatosis (NF) can either be inherited from a parent, or can occur at random in an individual with no family history of NF due to a spontaneous mutation. Once an individual has the NF gene, there is a 50% chance that said gene will be passed onto a child, due to the genes dominant nature. It is equally possible that a child of a parent with NF will be completely free of the disorder. There are extreme variations witnessed in affected individuals even within the same family. The same NF gene present in different family members can result in varying severity of NF symptoms. For example, a parent suffering from severe NF can have a child with very mild NF. Presently, there is no way to predict the specific symptoms or severity a person affected by NF will develop. The most common form of NF is NF1 (Also known as Von Recklinghausen disease or peripheral NF) occurring in 1:4 000 births. NF1 is usually diagnosed by freckling in the armpit or groin areas, optic glioma (a tumor on the optic nerve), severe scoliosis (curvature of the spine), enlargement of certain bones, caf-au-lait macules (flat coffee-colored patches on the skin), lison nodules (small pigmented lumps in the iris), and neurofibromas (small swellings arising from the fibrous outer lining of nerves) which are often unsightly and surgically removed. Neurofibromas may undergo malignant change to become cancerous, producing neurofibrosarcomas. Most cases of NF1 are mild to moderates, but some may be more severe. Severe NF1 symptoms can include disfigurement, blindness, deafness, skeletal abnormalities, tumors, and learning. Approximately 50% of people with ei ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
TEAM MNC Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TEAM MNC Analysis - Research Paper Example Throughout the paper, the researcher has analyzed both internal and external environment for the company in order to address the problem in comprehensive manner. Section 2 A. Background about TEI and History of the Firm Trump University is part of Trump Entrepreneurial Initiative which is basically an entrepreneurial venture of The Trump Organization. The Trump Organization is a real estate giant which develops residential towers, resorts, office structures, hotels, golf courses and of high-end real estate across the globe. The company is headquartered at Trump Tower, New York City and the real estate giant was established by Donald Trump in 1980. The company is being managed by Trump family while Donald Trump acts as its CEO. Product and business matrix of The Trump Organization includes real estate development, sales and marketing of real estate, property management, developing high street luxury hotels, residential, commercial places, golf courses etc. At present the company is wo rking on 70 real estate projects across the globe (The Trump Organization, ââ¬Å"Written evidence - The Trump Organisation - Scottish Parliamentâ⬠). Till now, The Trump Organization has mainly focused on developing business in context USA cities like New York, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Manhattan etc. However, recently the company has started investing in developing real estate projects across globe like Turkey, Panama, Mexico, Scotland and some middle-east countries (The Trump Organization, ââ¬Å"Written evidence - The Trump Organisation - Scottish Parliamentâ⬠). B. Current problem for TEI Trump University or better known as Trump Entrepreneur Initiative was one of the latest entrepreneurial venture of Donald Trump and his organization (Smythe, ââ¬Å"Trump Institute Accused of Fraud by N.Y. Attorney Generalâ⬠). Trump Entrepreneur Initiative is unlicensed online educational institute which claims to offer courses and seminars to students for real estate management, inve sting expertise in real estate business. Students need to pay almost US $35,000 to avail the courses from Trump University but recently students have accused the Trump University for fraudulent activities like designing useless seminars for students, lack of expertise of teachers, false promises for apprenticeships for students (Smythe, ââ¬Å"Trump Institute Accused of Fraud by N.Y. Attorney Generalâ⬠). As a result, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sued Trump Entrepreneur Initiative sued Donald Trump for $40 million for running fraudulent educational institutes. (Source: Authorââ¬â¢s Creation) Section 3: PEST Environment As part of globalization, The Trump Organization has expanded its business in Turkey while its Trump Entrepreneurial Initiative (TEI) is facing legal hurdles in New York, USA. In such context, brief PEST analysis can be done in order to understand the business context of TEI. Political In New York, stable political environment would help TEI to
Friday, October 18, 2019
Tax system contribution to economic growth Essay
Tax system contribution to economic growth - Essay Example In other words, without investments, innovation, production and risk taking there will be nothing about economic growth. Production is of great significance because it is the only link between all drivers of economy. Most taxes are often concentrated along labor, investments and production (Economic Review Committee (ERC), 2012). For instance, the United Kingdom as well as other countries in developed and developing world charges income tax on returns from labor, capital gain tax on capital, excise and Value Added Tax (VAT) on production and corporate and property tax on investments. This is a clear manifestation that factors that drive economic growth are the major sources of revenue to the government thus the link between economic growth and tax system. Policy makers are often very cautious with taxation policies proposition considering that these can make or break a nation. Slemrod (2003) asserts that a government can lose big on its tax revenue if it is careless with its tax syst ems especially during this tough economic time that the entire world is healing from the impact of global financial crunch. For instance, multinational companies are likely to shift to countries with low corporation tax rates if the parent country is charging high taxes. Countries that want to advance their economies are renowned for luring investors both foreign and local by offering favorable tax laws and reliefs. A number of countries are carrying out several reforms on their tax systems owing to the pressure from pundits and economists who continue to stand by the view that high taxes are not good for economic prospect. This view is enhanced from the existing empirical studies that involve a review of a number... This essay is the best example of thorough analysis of the mechanisms, by which taxes affect economic growth. It is argued in the paper, that the tax system make tangible contribution to economic growth Economists and policymakers have conducted several studies for a number of years with an objective of establishing the link between tax systems and economic growth. Most, though not all of these studies did establish an undesirable effect of taxes on different measures of a countryââ¬â¢s economic performance. A number of taxes especially income, property, capital gain and consumption based taxes have always attracted a lot of attention with respect to their impact on economic growth. Economic growth, which refers to an increase in countries total output over a specified period, is driven by three important factors namely capital, labor and technological advancement. Taxes interfere with income from economic activities that is production of goods and services . This means that lowering or increasing taxes will certainly affect income drawn from an economic activity. For instance, increased income tax will translates to wider gap between gross and net earnings and vice versa. Returns from labor is an important motivator for engaging in gainful employment. However, tax systems especially high personal income tax often discourage people from engaging in labor market. Taxation of factor capital is another important area of consideration when trying to bring out the link between tax system and economic growth.
Six Sigma Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Six Sigma Approach - Essay Example After picking the low-hanging fruit, they will find themselves in need of a broader and more robust approach. Subsuming six sigma beneath the process-management umbrella addresses those challenges and allows companies to reap its substantial benefits while keeping it away from areas where it won't work. Because process management entails major changes to virtually all management systems, it demands absolute commitment from executives. IT Companies that rise to the challenge will garner extraordinary rewards: not just cost savings, but accelerated new-software introduction, major improvements in client satisfaction and sharp increases in profitability. For those not familiar with Six Sigma, it is first and foremost a philosophical approach that demands the effective use of data to analyze business issues. Key decisions about business activities now beg the question, "How does the available data support that decision" Whether the decision is a make-buy decision, a product change question, a new-model introduction question, or a manufacturing-process decision, the decision on how to proceed is dependent on the available data. Six Sigma is a measurement. ... the decision is a make-buy decision, a product change question, a new-model introduction question, or a manufacturing-process decision, the decision on how to proceed is dependent on the available data. Six Sigma is a measurement. A more illustrative explanation can be found in a 1997 letter Welch sent to GE stockholders: "The Six Sigma quality initiative, very briefly, means going from approximately 3S,000 defects per million operations, which is average for most companies, including GE, to fewer than 4 defects per million in every element in every process that this company engages in every day." (Pande, P.S., et al. 2000) GE was not the first large corporation to undertake the Six Sigma discipline. In the ten years prior to 1995, a number of companies began Six Sigma: Motorola, Texas Instruments, Eastman Kodak, and Allied Signal. Their discoveries and successes were well documented. When embarking on their own process, GE adopted many of the concepts and disciplines of Motorola's Six Sigma methodology. (Pande, P.S., et al. 2000; Harry & Schroeder 2002) Motorola's involvement with Six Sigma began in 1982, when it implemented a quality-improvement program that later became known as Six Sigma. Motorola's CEO asked corporate managers to cut quality costs in half that year. He repeated the charge in 1983. By 1984, the cost-reduction efforts were beginning to point to the need for improved analytical methods and product design for continued process improvement-and the Six Sigma discipline answered this need. (Pande, P.S., et al. 2000; Harry & Schroeder 2002) Motorola's emphasis was on designing for Six Sigma quality, and a number of advanced quality tools were used. Because effective application of these tools was essential, Motorola developed its extensive Six Sigma
Business and Financial Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business and Financial Environment - Essay Example As the company includes more and more debt to its capital structure the rate of Return required by the company increases. WACC which comprises of weighted average of cost of Debt and cost of Equity increases as the firm is exposed to more and more debt. The increase in debt increases the risk of the company and as the debt to equity ratio in a capital structure of the firm increases the Return on Equity required by the firm increases which increases the WACC for the firm. This will also increase the amount of earnings required by the firm to keep its value to its previous position. This risk inherent for an organization due to its operations is called business risk. It is the risk of a firm when it uses no debt. Technically or in terms of formulation it is the uncertainty in the future returns on assets of a firm (ROA). We can write ROA as: This gives us a way to measure the business risk of an un-levered firm i.e. measuring deviations in the ROE of that firm. Such a business risk is called firm's Basic Business Risk. "Business risk is the uncertainty associated with operating cash flows of a business. There are different dimensions of business risk, namely sales risk and operating risk (mtholyoke, 2007)". Variations in business risk not only depend on the type of industry a firm is operating in but also varies within the industry from firm to firm. Business risk's dependence is influenced by six common factors. a) Demand Variability the more the variations in demand of a firm's product, the more will be its business risk b) Sales Price Variability firms which operate in a market where prices are stable faces low business risk as compared to the firms which operate in a highly volatile market. c) Input Cost Variability the firms who are weak on the supply side and have high variability in input costs are exposed to high risk d) Adaptability of output prices with changes in input prices the firms which are in command to change their output prices with changes in input prices are less exposed to business risk. e) Ability to develop new products in a timely, cost effective manner the more the industry requires introduction of new products in market, the more the firm will be exposed to business risk f) Degree of operating leverage the high the degree of operating leverage the firm is operating at, the more will be its business risk Operating Leverage the firms which have high degree of operation leverage i.e. a major portion of their operations depends upon fixed cost leaves their firms more exposed to business risk. That means a decline in sales will not decline the cost since major portion of cost is fixed therefore even a smaller decline in sales
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Maintaining competence in nursing practice Essay - 1
Maintaining competence in nursing practice - Essay Example I believe that this is an important part of my nursing practice because it would help ensure that my patients would essentially be protected from harm. It is important for me to know about the legal requirements in the administration of medications. These legal requirements are important in order to avoid medication errors, to manage adverse drug reactions, to manage side effect, and to ensure the proper administration of the drug (Garrett and Craig, n.d). It is important for me to improve my legal knowledge about the proper administration of drugs and to know the proper prescribing, compounding, dispensing, administration, education, monitoring, and use of the drug (NCCMERP, 2007). I need to enhance my dispensation skills for these medicines because I would likely encounter and be asked to dispense medicines with similar packaging, medicines which are not commonly prescribed or commonly used, or medications which many patients are allergic to, and those which require testing to secu re proper therapeutic levels (Hughes and Blegen, n.d). Medications which also sound alike are possible causes for errors. These risks are part of the practice and represent areas which I need to focus on. I also need to consider the different ââ¬Å"Rightsâ⬠in medication administration in order to prevent medication errors. These ââ¬Å"Rightsâ⬠include the following: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time (Fogarty and McKeon, 2005). By mastering these aspects of drug administration, I would be complying with the minimum legal requirements for drug administration. It is also essential for me to participate in case review activities because these case review activities can help in the assessment and evaluation of cases and activities within the nursing practice. Each activity and case
Geopolitics and the role of energy security in the global level and Thesis Proposal
Geopolitics and the role of energy security in the global level and its impacts and challenges withen middle east and gulf cooperation council - Thesis Proposal Example There has been a change in the world order since the break-up of the Soviet bloc: America now is the only superpower in the world and this gives the West the ability to dominate by a combination of military and economic strength (Nye, 2011). One result of this is that the term ââ¬Å"global securityâ⬠is increasingly defined by America and its allies, at least until China reaches its full economic potential (Calabrese, 1998). There is a danger that GCC countries, who hold the key to future energy supplies will be caught up in any eventual rivalry between these two great powers. Military strength cannot solve problems on its own ââ¬â other forms of power such as soft power or smart power draw in political and economic negociations as well (Smith, 2006). American foreign policy directed towards aligning countries like Saudi Arabia with American objectives, in order to secure stable supply of oil and gas (Brown and Hawthorne, 2010). The very term ââ¬Å"energy securityâ⬠is defined as ââ¬Å"the provision of reasonably priced, reliable and environmentally friendly energyâ⬠(Mà ¼ller-Kraenner, 2008) but this is from the perspective of western states who generally lack substantial energy deposits, and have renewable technology which does not meet all their needs. Economic objectives in GCC countries are increasingly towards diversification from oil, gas and other natural resources, in order to avoid the so-called ââ¬Å"resource curseâ⬠of over-dependence on a few products. There are major implications for all GCC countries because membership of the WTO involves signing up to GATT agreements which ââ¬Å"involves dramatic and profound changes in the way trade was conducted in these countriesâ⬠(Michalopoulos, 1998). These changes include measures like the removal of export subsidies and the introduction of Western-style laws, institutions and methods of governance. Most
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business and Financial Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business and Financial Environment - Essay Example As the company includes more and more debt to its capital structure the rate of Return required by the company increases. WACC which comprises of weighted average of cost of Debt and cost of Equity increases as the firm is exposed to more and more debt. The increase in debt increases the risk of the company and as the debt to equity ratio in a capital structure of the firm increases the Return on Equity required by the firm increases which increases the WACC for the firm. This will also increase the amount of earnings required by the firm to keep its value to its previous position. This risk inherent for an organization due to its operations is called business risk. It is the risk of a firm when it uses no debt. Technically or in terms of formulation it is the uncertainty in the future returns on assets of a firm (ROA). We can write ROA as: This gives us a way to measure the business risk of an un-levered firm i.e. measuring deviations in the ROE of that firm. Such a business risk is called firm's Basic Business Risk. "Business risk is the uncertainty associated with operating cash flows of a business. There are different dimensions of business risk, namely sales risk and operating risk (mtholyoke, 2007)". Variations in business risk not only depend on the type of industry a firm is operating in but also varies within the industry from firm to firm. Business risk's dependence is influenced by six common factors. a) Demand Variability the more the variations in demand of a firm's product, the more will be its business risk b) Sales Price Variability firms which operate in a market where prices are stable faces low business risk as compared to the firms which operate in a highly volatile market. c) Input Cost Variability the firms who are weak on the supply side and have high variability in input costs are exposed to high risk d) Adaptability of output prices with changes in input prices the firms which are in command to change their output prices with changes in input prices are less exposed to business risk. e) Ability to develop new products in a timely, cost effective manner the more the industry requires introduction of new products in market, the more the firm will be exposed to business risk f) Degree of operating leverage the high the degree of operating leverage the firm is operating at, the more will be its business risk Operating Leverage the firms which have high degree of operation leverage i.e. a major portion of their operations depends upon fixed cost leaves their firms more exposed to business risk. That means a decline in sales will not decline the cost since major portion of cost is fixed therefore even a smaller decline in sales
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Geopolitics and the role of energy security in the global level and Thesis Proposal
Geopolitics and the role of energy security in the global level and its impacts and challenges withen middle east and gulf cooperation council - Thesis Proposal Example There has been a change in the world order since the break-up of the Soviet bloc: America now is the only superpower in the world and this gives the West the ability to dominate by a combination of military and economic strength (Nye, 2011). One result of this is that the term ââ¬Å"global securityâ⬠is increasingly defined by America and its allies, at least until China reaches its full economic potential (Calabrese, 1998). There is a danger that GCC countries, who hold the key to future energy supplies will be caught up in any eventual rivalry between these two great powers. Military strength cannot solve problems on its own ââ¬â other forms of power such as soft power or smart power draw in political and economic negociations as well (Smith, 2006). American foreign policy directed towards aligning countries like Saudi Arabia with American objectives, in order to secure stable supply of oil and gas (Brown and Hawthorne, 2010). The very term ââ¬Å"energy securityâ⬠is defined as ââ¬Å"the provision of reasonably priced, reliable and environmentally friendly energyâ⬠(Mà ¼ller-Kraenner, 2008) but this is from the perspective of western states who generally lack substantial energy deposits, and have renewable technology which does not meet all their needs. Economic objectives in GCC countries are increasingly towards diversification from oil, gas and other natural resources, in order to avoid the so-called ââ¬Å"resource curseâ⬠of over-dependence on a few products. There are major implications for all GCC countries because membership of the WTO involves signing up to GATT agreements which ââ¬Å"involves dramatic and profound changes in the way trade was conducted in these countriesâ⬠(Michalopoulos, 1998). These changes include measures like the removal of export subsidies and the introduction of Western-style laws, institutions and methods of governance. Most
Values of Public and Private Universities Essay Example for Free
Values of Public and Private Universities Essay In the economy we live in today education is of most importance because at some point in time when enhancing our education we will have to decide between public and private universities. In some cases, if they do not one may be unable to acquire a job or be promoted based of their lack of schooling. When a student attends a community college, knowing the next step in their educational career is relevant to secure a future position in a higher and more conventional university. I believe some students are unaware of the significant differences that divide public and private universities. However by understanding the variance between both public and private universities, this will help assist students. Making a more accurately stable conclusion as to which higher education will best benefit them in both the long and short term. If our economy is in majority powered by a standing of schooling, it is of great importance that we select the correct form of university to help achieve a more beneficiary education. It is significant to compare private and public universityââ¬â¢s based on their tuition cost, areas of study, graduation accuracy, and campus magnitude to better apprehend the value of each. First, to comprehend the financial standings of schooling it is important to compare the tuition cost of both public and private universities. Additional areas to consider are the schoolââ¬â¢s annual tuition costs, scholarships, as well as room and bored. According to Christopher Cornwell, a former Exploration Manager, at Eaglewood Energy Inc. and David B. Mustard, an Associate Professor of Economics in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia, illustrates that at Georgiaââ¬â¢s average four year private university there is a total of 136,581 awards by which 101.91 millions of dollars were presented in total the year of 2002. However, Georgiaââ¬â¢s private average annual tuition is near 8,606 dollars. Cost plays a large role in deciding which one out of the two, private and public higher level universities to select to attend; affordability is of main concern. Conversely, Cornwell and Mustard also explained that in the same year ofà 2002, Georgiaââ¬â¢s four year public university has a total of 389,452 awards offered, out of 840.09 millions of dollars stand granted. One online cite, The College, highly recommended to all college applicants, states that Georgiaââ¬â¢s public universities annual tuition nears 4,207 dollars. The contrast of cost fluctuates depending on attending ether public or private universities. Next, when debating between public and private universities it is essential to deliberate the schools areas of study. This includes majors offered, programs, and teaching. Under private universities, rendering Ronald G. Ehrenberg, the Irving M. Ives Professor of Industrial and Labor Relations and Economics at Cornell University, exemplifies that Cornell University consists of four out of ten colleges on its Ithaca campus, ââ¬Å"the Collage of Agriculture and Life Science, Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, and the School of Industrial and Labor Relationsâ⬠. The public university of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health specializes in public health programs. Attending a university that specializes in a specific area of study will benefit applicants by high appraisal when applying for jobs in the same area of work (The American Journal of Public Health). One needs to consider graduate accuracy between public and private universities in order to better understand the worth of each one. A graduate rate is a universities average percentage of the total number of students that graduate with a degree within the average time ratio. Contributions to the increase and decrease of any public of private university are based on graduate rates, graduate time period, and job placement. Swarthmore, a small private Philadelphia-based school, will graduate 91% of students within four years, conferring to, Jane Bennett Clark. The public University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a 31% admission rate. At 77%, Carolinas four-year graduation rate is 45 percentage points higher than the average rate for four-year public schools according to an article by Susannah Snider. Before selecting ether public or private universities it is important to reflect on each ones graduate rate. Lastly, it is significant to reflect on the campus size magnitude of bothà public and private universities. This includes the student to teacher ratio, and the campus total population. According to a report by, Enrolments, Funding and Student Staff Ratios, Policy Note, the average private university withholds an estimate of 1,799,000 studentââ¬â¢s total. The public University of Northern Carolinaââ¬â¢s fall headcount enrollment in the year 2001reached a high of 3,293, though in the year 2004, 3,574 total enrollment It is projected that by the year 2012 the total fall enrollment will reach 3,717 students (Snider). It is important to take into consideration the total population of every college to decide which large or small learning environment will benefit ones learning progression. In conclusion, one will have the advantage when understanding the importance between public and private universities. Deciding between each one is a resolution that the grander majority of the nation will come to terms with. The importance of understanding the differences between public and private universities is a major area to consider when deciding which university ones believes will fit them best. Base the decision making off of each universities tuition cost, areas of study, magnitude, and graduate rates will help one in their own comparison for which they value most. It is vital to compare public and private universities in order to better recognize each ones distinct value to better determine which learning environment will have the greatest positive impact toward ones education. Citation Page Assessing Public Higher Education in Georgia at the Start of the Twenty-first Century. Whats Happening to Public Higher Education? By Ronald G. Ehrenberg. N.p.: Praeger, 2006. N. pag. Print. CLARK, JANE BENNETT. BEST VALUES IN PRIVATE COLLEGES. (Cover Story). Kiplingers Personal Finance 66.12 (2012): 43-46. Business Source Complete. Web. 23 Oct. 2013. Cornwell, Christopher, and David B. Mustard. Assessing Public Higher Education in Georgia at the Start of the Twenty-first Century. Whats Happening to Public Higher Education? By Ronald G. Ehrenberg. N.p.: Praeger, 2006. N. pag. Print Ehrenberg, Ronald G. Whats Happening to Public Higher Education? Ronald G. Ehrenberg ed. N.p.: Praeger, 2006. Print. Higher Education. Enrolments, Funding and Student Staff Ratios by Sector. Policy Note. Number 2 (2011): 2. Northewest Vista College library one search. Web. Dec. 2011. . SNIDER, SUSANNAH. BEST VALUES IN PUBLIC COLLEGES. (Cover Story). Kiplingers Personal Finance 67.2 (2013): 50. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. Tuition and Fees by Sector and State over Time. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2013. . US Schools Of Public Health And Graduate Public Health Programs Accredited By The Council On Education For Public Health. American Journal Of Public Health 87.3 (1997): 492-494. Business Source Complete. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Factors Affecting Human Intelligence Psychology Essay
Factors Affecting Human Intelligence Psychology Essay The objective of this context is to discuss human intelligence. To achieve the following sub titles constituted as guidelines for the discussion; anatomy of human of intelligence, theories of human intelligence and factors affecting human intelligence Anatomy of Human Intelligence Human nature has intelligence that governs the human mental ability and to as cognitive ability. Despite being a widely studied and debated topic there is still lack of a universal definition for intelligence because of its compound and many-faceted nature i.e it engages multiple areas of the brain, instead of just having one intelligence center. Intelligence facilitates the gaining of knowledge and consequent wide applications in solving problems. The roots of intelligence are biological and it is believed to have evolved over time and is connected to structure of the brain and its development in that the intelligence quotients are related to the brain volume (Frohlich, 2004). According to Sternberg (1981), psychologists and laymen agree that intelligent people are characterized by their capacity for solving problems, their expertise with language and their open-minded nature to innovation. According to Flinn et al (2004), the evolution of human intelligence has been so rapid compared to other species such that the human brain increased by about 250% in less than 3 million years. This is evidenced by remarkable behavioral changes of the past few generations. They further argue that the high evolution rates leading to greatest complexity in human are due to the demand of their environment citing ecological demands, such as hunting or climatic variability and selective pressures favoring other species compared to them. Research on human intelligence has become intense in trying to answer the several questions raised on basic structure and mechanisms of intelligence following the discoveries made in relation to genetics of intelligence and its functioning in the most recent stages of human development. In trying to classify intelligence, the following three classes were arrived at; social intelligence, natural or potential intelligence and academic intelligence. The social intelligence is a practical mode of intelligence used in making day to day life decisions in all fields. Natural or potential intelligence helps in acquisition of knowledge and cognitive abilities essential for easy interaction with the surrounding environment. The third form of intelligence is more of as measure of the cumulative levels of the former two types of intelligence describing the complexity of intelligence and is characterized by the IQ tests. Modern psychology classifies intelligence in two categories namely fluid int elligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence is mainly the use of self acquired knowledge through life experiences to solve challenges and crystallized intelligence is more like academic knowledge as it largely depends on long-term memory. However all these different forms of intelligence are dependent and do not operate in isolation (Colom Pueyo 2000). Theories of Human Intelligence In an endeavor to understand human intelligence, there are various theories advanced to explain it. They can be divided into the unilateral construct based on unitary entity of general intelligence and those based on multiple dissimilar activities. Some of the theories discussed below include Psychometric approach theories, Piagets stages of cognitive development, Sternbergs Triarchic theory of intelligence and Gardners multiple intelligences theory. Psychometric approach to understanding intelligence is the most used and is based on psychometric tests. Some of the theories advanced based on this include; Charles Spearman in 1904 came up with Two-factor Theory of intelligence as a way of measuring general intelligence using Tetrad Differences. His basic inputs were common sense (native capacity) and sensory discriminations. It stated that every test can be divided into a g factor and an s factor. Where the g-factor measures the general factor or common function among ability tests and the s-factor measures the specific factor unique to a particular ability test. This however had its limitations because the g factor showed that any cognitive ability regardless of how different they were had a positive correlation (Spearman, 1904). Following the shortcomings of Spearman, L.L. Thurstone came up with the Centroid method for modern factor analysis. Modern factor analysis took in seven orthogonal factors referred to as Primary Mental Abilities; verbal comprehension, word fluency, numerical capability, spatial visualization, associative memory, speed of understanding and reasoning to yield multi factors, unlike Spearmans single factor yield (Thurstone, 1934). Raymond B. Cattel spotted a weakness in the former theories as a result of the use of single generation in trying to measure intelligence. He developed The Gf-Gc Theory measuring intelligence using fluid intelligence (Gf) and crystallized intelligence (Gc) to account for differences between children/adolescents and adults. The Gf represented the ability to discriminate and perceive relations while Gc represented the ability to differentiate earlier established relations using Gf. He supposed that crystallized intelligence increases gradually to old age where it slowly declines whereas fluid intelligence reaches a peak in adolescents and remains almost constant through adulthood (Carroll,1993). J. P. Guilford ventured more into the adulthood intelligence developing a Structure-of-Intellect model (SI model). The model had a 3-D cube shaped model with five categories of how the information is presented on a test, six operation categories of what is done on a test and six product categories of the form in which information is processed on a test. Upon conducting a test and filling all the categories, the point of intersection provides foundation for generating hypothesis of intelligence (Carroll, 1993). Using re-analysis of several data sets John B. Carrol proposed the Three Stratum Theory. This consists of three different levels of intelligence. The first layer represents narrow abilities that are highly specialized, the second level represents moderate abilities but in several areas and Spearmans concept was a sufficient representation for the third level (Carroll, J. B. 1993). The latest work using psychometric approach is the Cattel-Horn-Carrol (CHC) Theory. This is an amalgamation of The Gf-Gc theory, Horn theory and The Three-Stratum Theory. According to Horward Gardner (1999) psychometric tests had ignored other forms of intelligence of equal importance; that our minds handle different tasks using several cognitive mechanisms and not through a single centralized system. He therefore developed Theory of Multiple Intelligences basing his studies on both the normal and abnormal personnel coming up with eight different components of intelligence with the eighth one just added in 1999. Robert Sternberg came up with Triarchic Theory of intelligence based on three aspects of intelligence. These were creative intelligence (experiential), analytic (componential) intelligence and practical (contextual) intelligence; where analytical intelligence deals with academic brilliance, creative intelligence deals with insights, fusion and reaction to events while practical intelligence deals with acquiring knowledge, understanding and dealing with life challenges. He was of the opinion that general intelligence is only but part of analytic intelligence and therefore cannot give a full insight of intelligence. Following its use in evaluation of individual success in the modern times this has later been named as Theory of Successful Intelligence by Sternberg (Sternberg, 1984, p.271). Jean Piaget advanced one of the used theories in the development of school curriculums. He used the development approach in the study of intelligence. His view was that growing up is a process that has stages and every stage bracket has its maximum capabilities. The group stages of development he came up with are Sensimotor stage (0-2 years), preoperational stage (2-7 years), Concrete stage (7-11 years)Ã and formal operational stage (11 years and above). At Sensimotor stage (0-2) intelligence is based on perception and how other objects work, the thoughts occur mentally and cannot be expressed. In the preoperational stage (2-7 years) one learns to speak, image representation of objects with the thoughts being external. Concrete stage (7-11 years)Ã involves logic reasoning and thinking. The formal operational stage (11 years and up) is the final stage of development of human intelligence. His theory suggests that growth of intelligence is continuous process of assimilation and acc ommodation of new ideas and which lead to expansion of field of applications. Factors affecting Human Intelligence Human intelligence is affected by biological factors, environmental factors and ethical factors. Biologically genes pass cognitive abilities from parents to the children through the DNA. This is evidenced by a number of factors that include the correlation of IQs between an individual and the parent, hereditary brain diseases, similar IQs in identical twins, similarity in brain language areas among family members and cognitive skill such as verbal and spatial abilities, reaction times, and even some personality qualities, including emotional reactions to stress. Intelligence is connected to structure of the brain and its development in that the intelligence quotients are related to the brain volume. Since intelligence is affected by the brains some factors like ratio of brain weight to body weight, the ratio in for instance of brain weight to body weight in a fish is 1:5000 whereas in humans it is 1:50. Occasionally brains metabolic activity may lower intelligence for big brains. The size of the frontal lobe critically affects fluid intelligence tests Other factors affecting intelligence related to the brain include location of the grey matter tissue and its volume and the overall thickness of the cortex (Colom Pueyo, 2000). Environmental effects are affect intelligence of human population both at individual and group levels. Some environmental factors are either enhanced or suppressed by the genes of the individual. The social set up has impacts on the level of intelligence attained by an individual as it dictates things like what he does, what he values and how he lives. This is attested by the different level of intelligence of different communities living in different locations say urban-rural places. Their different tend to improve one aspect of intelligence compared to the other set up. Occupation of individuals also tends to affect their intelligence depending with the scope pr demand of their job jurisdiction. Education is also a major factor influencing level of intelligence; this will depend on the level of education where highly educated individual is likely to have a high level of intelligence compared to one with low levels of education in general skills and problem-solving and abstract thin king. Another environmental factor affecting intelligence is nutrition, it has been largely converged that prolonged malnutrition during childhood has long-term effects on level of intelligence. Intelligence is also affected by the manipulation of existing normal conditions; eugenics is currently being practiced to improve the human species by improving human genes. This is mainly to correct congenital disorders and cognitive skills. There are also studies being conducted to try coming up with artificial intelligence through increasing IQs and also using machines. There major cognitive skills of interest are reasoning, knowledge, perception and reaction (Flinn, 2005) Ethical issues also affect human intelligence. In this work the ethical issues discussed are privacy, accuracy and accessibility. Human intelligence is likely to be compromised by wrong information availed to it leading to wrong conclusions or decisions. Lack of information or refrained access to vital information required later translates to lack of knowledge which limits the level of operation of the human intelligence. Human intelligence is surely a not so well understood phenomenon that still requires more research to give a clear insight and understanding of its complex nature. Simulation and improvement of the advanced theories will be key to any further development in these field
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Eulogy for Father :: Eulogies Eulogy
Eulogy for Father On behalf of myself, my mom and my brother, I want to thank everyone for being here....On the one hand, I was dreading today. I don't want to cry anymore. I don't want to yearn to hug my dad one last time, long to see his smiling face or hear his cheerful voice. On the other hand, I wanted today to come so that I could be around all of the people who love my dad so that I might feel his presence through sharing memories of him,....sharing tears....and maybe even sharing some laughter. How do you come to terms with the loss of your beloved father? How do you find happiness again? How do you move forward despite your aching heart, emptiness and sadness? It's like I'm in the midst of a nightmare that doesn't disappear when I wake up. I desperately want to find peace within myself about my father's death. I want my faith to reassure me that my dad is still with me in spirit. I think if I take this time to share the kind of man my father was, we might all feel like he is still very much alive. My dad was the most passionate person I've ever known. When he believed there was truth in something, he strived to educate others in the hopes they might open their minds to new possibilities. He was silly and zany with a great sense of humor. His lively presence was always felt in a room. He was a voracious reader. If I ever had a question about something, he always had answers because he'd read an article or a book recently about it. He was generous with his time. He would do anything for anybody at any time. My dad loved toys. When I was a kid, he'd buy me things that he really wanted to play with like capsella and model trains. He was an extremely sentimental person. When he visited his grandson for the first time 2 months ago, he bought him his first model car and purchased the New York Times that came out the day after so that Matthew would someday know what was going on in the world the day he was born, he saved all magazines, he framed simple notes sent by friends that signi fied an important time in his life, he couldn't bare to sell his childhood home.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Government Affiliation and Cloning Essay -- Biology Medical Biomedical
Government Affiliation and Cloning Abstract The theory to alter and duplicate a human being first arose in the early 1900s. It became widely controversial since the entrance of the experiments on real animals by the 1990s. Influenced by its citizens, the governments all over the world stepped in to regulate the new process by establishing specific laws tackling the issue. Each government differed from the others, and hence, each national law varies from another. However, attempts were made to unify the regulations under international circumstances in organizations such as the United Nations. Still undergoing conformation, the effort to halt cloning failed to stay constant, and would continue to change in the future. Since the successful cloning of the sheep Dolly in Roslin Institution of Scotland on July 5, 1996 (Peters, 2003, p.161), governments wrestled with the ideal of human cloning. Thrust with the responsibility to regulate a new form of artificial mammalian reproduction, and possibly human reproduction, the government became the deciding factor amidst the storm of controversy. Dolly signifies the first mammal cloned from the fully differentiated cell, which already had the genes of its function fully expressed. It allowed the duplication of another individual from any living cell of body. Ian Wilmut announced and patented the Roslin Technique, the method to clone Dolly, on February 22, 1997 and explained the details on the issue of Nature five days later (Peters, 2003, p.161). The reaction was immediate. Within hours of Wilmutââ¬â¢s announcement, the Church of Scotland released its rebuttal, criticizing the event as unethical. Likewise, the world was quick to establish its stance, pron ouncing the cloning of human as mora... ...e Government Affiliation 5 answer is simply democracy in action. Surely, the population will voice its opinion upon the matter, and whatever the majority of this generation decides, it will be enforced peacefully. Even as the times change-- peopleââ¬â¢s opinion changeââ¬âit is still sure that the voices of the public will be heard. Government Affiliation 6 Bibliography NCSL. (2005, June). State Human Cloning Law. 7-27-05: Peters, Ted. 2003. Playing God? New York and London: Routledge. Stanford. (2001, December). International Cloning Policy. Human Cloning- Cloning Policy. 7-24-05: United Nations. (2005, May). Ad Hoc Committee on an International Convention Against the Reproduction Cloning of Human Beings. 7-28-05:
Friday, October 11, 2019
Day Light Factor in Office Spaces
DAY LIGHT FACTOR IN OFFICE SPACESBackground:Day illuming admitted into constructing through ââ¬Å"holesâ⬠in external cloth ( Windowss, roof visible radiations, etc. ) which in adverse climes by and large incorporate glass or an alternate transparent stuff to heat loss. The energy efficiency and sustainability became progressively of import issues in the field of architecture. Often day-lighting is recognised as a cardinal scheme in cut downing the energy ingestion by cut downing sum of electrical lighting in a edifice. And even, twenty-four hours lighting is besides known for holding its positive effects on human wellness and productiveness. So by all these, the energy criterions and green edifice evaluation systems have strongly recommended that interior decorators incorporate twenty-four hours illuming schemes into edifice design. However, this recommendation is often ignored due to the complexness in following twenty-four hours illuming design and due to the ocular uncomfortableness caused by the inordinate sunshine incursions and Sun blaze. Many yearss illuming analysis have been developed and used by pupils, interior decorators and advisers. From physical modeling to computing machine based simulations, analysis methods are used to foretell the public presentation of twenty-four hours illuming systems before a edifice is utilizing all these methods, we can mensurate or cipher assorted values like illumination degrees. However it is non easy to acquire accurate predictable or frequently even fiting values between techniques due to variance in variables and besides due to the sky choices. Introduction: Day lighting is a extremely cost-efficient agencies of cut downing the energy for electrical lighting and chilling. But architecture instruction frequently reduces the facet of twenty-four hours illuming to attention-getting effects on frontages and barely discusses its possible effects ââ¬â non merely on cost, but wellness, wellbeing and energy. The light affairs will research the frequently undiscovered facets of twenty-four hours lighting and present cardinal schemes for you to break integrated twenty-four hours illuming into design: from optimising constructing orientations to taking interior surface qualities that achieve the right coefficient of reflection. These stairss can significantly cut down your investing every bit good as operating costs. And while these schemes will surely catch the involvement of economically oriented clients, you will shortly detect that twenty-four hours illuming can make so much more. The chief survey of this paper is to understand the kineticss of twenty-four hours light factor in relation to edifice infinites and to understand twenty-four hours visible radiation as a design component. The development and effects of twenty-four hours light and its factor in office edifices. Abstractions: Lighting degrees in a edifice infinite are typically measured in foot-candles or lx. Light from electrical visible radiations is reasonably changeless so exact degrees of lighting can be obtained through the choice and layout of light fixtures. When it comes to twenty-four hours lighting, the light beginning is the sky vault which is outside the edifice s it becomes necessary to put in glassy gaps to acknowledge equal daytime to run into infinite demands. Planing for exact degrees of visible radiation from twenty-four hours visible radiation is hard since the light beginning is invariably altering depending on clip of twenty-four hours and conditions conditions. Alternatively of ciphering exact degrees of visible radiation ( foot tapers or lx ) in a given infinite from daytime, a daylight factor was created to mensurate comparative visible radiation degrees. Day light factor: The construct of daylight factor ( DF ) was developed in the United Kingdom in the early 20Thursdaycentury. Day light factors are used in architecture and edifice design in order to measure the internal natural lighting degrees. Daylight factor is defined as the ratio of the internal illumination at a point in a edifice to the unshaded, external horizontal illumination under a CIE cloudiness sky ( Moon and Spencer 1942 ) . The chief connotation of utilizing this type of ratios instead than absolute values, was to avoid the trouble of holding frequent and frequently terrible fluctuations in the strength of twenty-four hours illuming ( Waldram 1909 ) . In the beginning, sky factors were used to cipher the twenty-four hours light illumination from the sky dome to a peculiar point in the edifice. Later on, the sky factor was evolved into the daylight factor, as the visible radiation reflected from external obstructors, visible radiation from the glazing and internal refelectances were added every bit good ( Waldram 1950 ) . Day light factor is the ratio between indoor illumination and out-of-door illumination. It can be measured for a specific point or for an norm of a infinite. The undermentioned expression shows how to cipher twenty-four hours light factor from illumination degrees. DF = 100 * Tocopherolin/ Tocopherolext Where DF= twenty-four hours light factor Tocopherolin: illumination due to twenty-four hours illuming on the indoor working topographic point Tocopherolext: illumination out-of-doorss on a unobstructed horizontal plane. Daylight reading at a mention point in a room can be made up of three constituents: Sky constituentââ¬â the visible radiation received straight from the sky Externally reflected constituentââ¬â the visible radiation received after contemplation from the land, edifice or other external surface and Internally reflected constituentââ¬â the visible radiation received after being reflected from the surfaces inside a edifice. All these three constituents need to be accounted for to find the twenty-four hours light factor. Day illuming factor was used to obtain the lower limit lighting demands, but it does non gives the thought of good twenty-four hours illuming. Even though the twenty-four hours illuming factor was used most widely to mensurate twenty-four hours lighting and for bulk of practicians, the consideration of twenty-four hours light Begins and terminals with twenty-four hours light factor ( Nabil and Mardaljevic 2005 ) . For the last 50 old ages, this design pattern has mostly remained undisputed with a few noteworthy exclusions ( Kendrick and Skinner 1980 ; Tregenza 1980 ) . So it is widely accepted, quantitative public presentation step for twenty-four hours lighting. Day light factor has besides got different back uping qualities for the design use in the edifices. Depending on the edifice designs, the twenty-four hours light factors have the capacity to act upon the design picks. Coming to the different facets where the twenty-four hours light factor can impact the edifice design were similar, the geometry of the edifice, environing landscapes and environing edifices. Not merely the external belongingss, due to the twenty-four hours light factor, there a considerable affects in the inside of the edifices besides. They are like the coloring material, coefficient of reflection, transmission, diffuseness, secularity, etc. , have an impact on the twenty-four hours light factor. In general, the daylight factor steps are intuitive and easy to pass on. To cipher the twenty-four hours light factor, there are a figure of methods bing. They range from simple computations to the BRE split flux method to progress computation techniques based on radiosity ( Lighting Analysts Inc. 2006 ) , Lumen Designer ( Light Technologies Inc. 2006 ) and/or Raytracing ( Ward and Shakesphere 1998 ) . Using glow, for any geometry of edifice and any type of stuff, we can cipher the twenty-four hours light factor. The twenty-four hours light factor can besides hold the influence on twenty-four hours light planing in the peculiar edifices. Some signifier giving characteristics, which are by and large accompanied with the good twenty-four hours visible radiation, were influenced. Like the high window- caput highs, high ceiling coefficient of reflection, big frontages, wall coatings, narrow floor programs, high transmission glazing, sky light gaps, etc. If we go for the ââ¬Å"the more the betterâ⬠attack, the maximal twenty-four hours light perforating into the edifice in a to the full glazed edifice will be more. We can hold the adequate twenty-four hours lighting, but frequently those constructing exhibit comfort and energy related jobs. By and large these are conditions which we see in commercial edifices. There are few restrictions of the twenty-four hours light steps. They are ; Design recommendation based on the twenty-four hours light factor will be same for all types of facade orientations. Day light factor for all types of edifice locations will be same. Daylight factor does non see the season, clip of the twenty-four hours, variable sky conditions. Actually this bears really of import effects. Day light factor can non assist to forestall the blaze schemes for different facade orientations, even though the job of blaze is most outstanding. Day light factor in office infinites: A twenty-four hours light factor of 2 is a typical degree one would desire to accomplish for an office infinite. It assumes that 2 % of the entire visible radiation that is outside the edifice ends up on the working plane or desktop. Assuming an mean out-of-door illumination of 2500 pes tapers and a twenty-four hours light factor of 2 % the indoor illumination on the desktop would be 50 foot tapers. 2 % ten 2500 pes tapers = 50 pes tapers Other typical twenty-four hours light factors for assorted infinites are:Assorted infinitesDay light factorDiscussion groups14Residential life room1Residential kitchen2Office ââ¬â item work4Office ââ¬â outlining6Office ââ¬â corridors0.5Schools ââ¬â schoolrooms2Schools ââ¬â art suites4Hospitals ââ¬â wards1Hospitals ââ¬â waiting suites2Sports installations2Warehouse ââ¬â majority storage0.5Warehouse ââ¬â medium size storage1Warehouse ââ¬â little point storage2Calculating a twenty-four hours light factor based on the edifice design includes window/skylight sizes, overhangs/light shelves, glass types, and exterior/ interior refelectances can go really complex. A simple regulation of pollex to come close the twenty-four hours light factor for twenty-four hours lit infinites utilizing perpendicular Windowss is D = 0.1 tens PG Where Calciferol= daytime factor PG= per centum of glass to floor country. For illustration, a 1000sft office infinite has 200sft of Windowss, and so the twenty-four hours light factor will be DF = 0.1 x ( 200/1000 ) = .02 or 2 % The twenty-four hours light factor degrees can be loosely classified into three classs:Under 2Between 2 and 5Over 5Not adequately illumeAdequately litWell litRoom looks glooming under twenty-four hours light entirelyArtificial lighting may be used partiallyArtificial illuming by and large non required except at morning and twilightArtificial lighting will be requiredBut blaze and solar addition may do jobsDaylight factor contours: The twenty-four hours light factor inside a room will change harmonizing to place. Day light factors are frequently given as working plane contours. Tall windows supply deeper twenty-four hours light incursion, while multiple Windowss provide more even twenty-four hours light distribution. Appraisal of twenty-four hours light factors: The twenty-four hours light factor inside an bing edifice can be measured straight utilizing a photometer which gives a direct reading of the twenty-four hours light factor. In the design phase, twenty-four hours light factors can be predicted utilizing:Design tabular arraies ;Waldram diagram ;Computer plans ;Scale theoretical accounts ;Day light factor protractors.Day light factor analysis: In malice of the twenty-four hours light factor popularity as an index of twenty-four hours light public presentations, daylight factor has some serious restrictions.Day light factor doesnââ¬â¢t take consideration, the location of the edifice.DF can non stand for the alteration in illumination degrees indoors, due to the temporal fluctuations of the sky luminosity.The orientation of the frontage of the edifice has no consequence in twenty-four hours light computation.Da Y light factor doesnââ¬â¢t buttocks blaze caused by the twenty-four hours lighting.Glare is a major issue necessitating careful considerations during the design phase.Day light factor is non specific about the clime.LITERATURE REVIEW: Light is every bit much a ââ¬Å"materialâ⬠for edifice as the rocks, bricks, and other constituents used in building ; for, although there would be no wall without its structural constituents, the wall has no existent being for us unless it corresponds to a animal feeling, gained with our eyes and substantiated with our heads.Derek PhillipsNatural visible radiation is recognized and varied for the qualities that it offers. Manââ¬â¢s faith, wellness and civilization has immense positive impact due to twenty-four hours lighting, since ages. The demand for natural light in insides has been investigated by illuming applied scientists, doctors and psychologists for several centuries, and therefore had a profound consequence on twenty-four hours lighting, the scientific discipline of natural light. Research on the effects of the want of visible radiation, the demand for position and effects on biological procedures have confirmed the factual bases for this demand. Features of Natural Light: Natural visible radiation that enters any room consists of two basic parts, viz. direct sunshine ( sunstroke ) and diffused fanlight.Roger Neal Goldstein in his Research on Natural Light in Architectural Designprovinces that by carefully pointing a window or a roof-light one can let for the incursion of both the elements of natural visible radiation, if desired. Harmonizing toMillet ( 1996 ) ,the aglow consequence of all light beginnings depends on four factors:The Source ( its strength, its directional features, its coloring material )The Geometry ( its relationship between the beginning and the receiving system or having surface )Different Surfaces inside the Space ( The surfaces that receive and modify visible radiation, going secondary visible radiation beginnings in themselves by reflecting, airting and coloring visible radiation ; and the individual who views the beginning and lighted surfaces as he or she moves about. )Motion and Visual Perception of the Observer.He besides declares that by detecting how light behaves, we can work with it to uncover architecture. THE Beginning: Harmonizing to Millet ( 1996 ) , ââ¬Å"Each peculiar topographic point has its visible radiation. Light showing topographic point encompasses two distinguishable facets:The topographic point itself, its physical characteristic and features that determine how it differs at any given minute from any other topographic point andThe peculiar set of alterations that take topographic point within it over clip, making typical forms of diurnal and seasonal alterations.Sukhtej Singh Gill in his paper on the Study of the Characteristics of Natural Light in Selected Buildings by Le Corbusier, Louis. I.Kahn and Tadao Ando references that ââ¬Å"these significances change the manner light interacts with the built environment.â⬠ââ¬Å" The window is a major constituent of the spacial record between interior and outside. With its size relation to the solid wall, it determines the way in which attending is focused. With its inside informations, it defines the passage between the room and landscape. â⬠( Millet 1996, p. 96 ) It is in this passage of natural visible radiation from exterior to the inside that a infinite is transformed and its character is defined. Intensity: The strength of visible radiation is judged based on the perceptual experience of the objects it tends to foreground. Lam ( 1977 ) states that ââ¬Å" Percepts of the aglow environment ever include an affectional constituent an appraising or emotional response to the sensed province of personal businesss. â⬠Opinions in a infinite, such as visible radiation or dark, bright or glooming, interesting or dull, sparkle or blaze, depend on whether or non the aglow environment meets our outlooks and satisfies our demands for ocular information by stressing what we want or need to see instead than the existent luminosity degrees in a infinite. Directional Feature: The directional features of natural visible radiation are defined out of the motion of the Sun across the sky. The deepness shadows and the contrast between two surfaces are born out of the directional features of the beginning of natural visible radiation one time interrupted by a physical plane or boundary. These are associated with the character of a infinite and aid to pull a meaningful relation with the beginning at all times of a twenty-four hours, month or season of a twelvemonth. Tannizaki ( 1997 ) describes that the beauty of a Nipponese room depends on a fluctuation of shadows, heavy shadows against light shadows. Light is an unerasable portion of our experience of life. It helps us understand the overall deepness of the scene by showcasing the difference between the bright and the dark. Color: The usage of colour can change the perceptual experience of a infinite. Lighter colourss reflect more light and the room appears to be of a greater size. When painted with dark colourss that tend to absorb most of the light falling on the surface, the same room appears much smaller in size. The visible radiation that filters through a coloured glass can alter the chromaticity of the base colour of the surface on which it falls. Apart from this, natural visible radiation alterations in colour as the instance is when comparing the forenoon, afternoon or flushing visible radiation from the Sun, but this alteration is compensated by our outlook in the manner we perceive the same infinite at different times of a twenty-four hours. Harmonizing to Philips ( 2004 ) , ââ¬Å" the experience of natural colour, for whilst the physical colour of our universe as experienced in daylight changes from twilight to click, the alterations are portion of our experience ; we compensate automatically, a white wall appears a white wall even if in the eventide it may be warmer, or is coloured by sunshine, or altered by cloud formationsâ⬠¦ . it is the colour we regard as natural â⬠. THE GEOMETRY: Light is non perceptible without signifier and frailty versa says Sukhtej Singh Gill in his paper ââ¬Å" The Study of Characteristics of Natural Light in Selected Buildings Designed by Le Corbusier, Louis. I. Kahn and Tadao Ando â⬠. He quotes Millet ââ¬Ës statements that ââ¬Å" Natural visible radiation that renders signifier seeable is ever altering, but we perceive the signifier as stable due to out perceptual procedureâ⬠¦ . Shadows aid in the perceptual experience of the signifier and the spacial deepnessâ⬠¦ Extreme brightness or darkness can fade out a signifier as they tend to film over the inside informations and befog the soundness of a stuffâ⬠¦ Silhouetting is one of the ways in which visible radiation from the roof glazing can uncover the construction. â⬠Importance: Research identified benefits of daytime, sunshine every bit good as position for peopleââ¬â¢s wellness and Wellbeing.Peoples believe that working under natural daytime is better for wellness and wellbeing than electric Light( Veitch et al. , 1993/1996 )Less asthenopia( Cowling et al. , 1990 ) ,higher productiveness( Visher 1989 ) ,more effectual acquisition( Heshong et al 1999 )Daylight is better for psychological comfort, for office visual aspect and pleasantness, for general wellness, for ocular wellness, and for color visual aspect of people and trappingss( Heerwagen et al.,1986 )Having a window, or holding entree to daylight, improves satisfaction with illuming( Veitch et al.,2003 )In deep on the job infinites people have a strong penchant for being near the Windowss( Christoffersenet al. , 1999 )Mentions:A Study of the Natural Light In Selected Buildings Designed by Le Corbusier, Louis. I. Kahn and Tadao Ando by Sukhtej Singh Gill ; 2006Natural Light in Architectural Design: Component and Determinant by Roger Neal Goldstein ; MIT ;1976Day light benefits in wellness attention edifices , by prof. DTG Strong.hypertext transfer protocol: // light presentation, by kjeld johnso.Health and Light, by John Nash 1973.Daylighting controls (hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol ; // factor versusdaylihgt handiness in computer-based daylihgting simulations by Karen Kensek and Jae Yong Suk1|Page
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